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[P-MMG0566]《唱K小魚仙》"Pichi Pichi Pitch" POP UP SHOP vol.3 in AMNIBUS STORE Wedding Mermaid ver. Postcard Set (3 Types) [armabianca] (PRE-ORDER) [2025/07]

HKD 72.00HKD 50.00


0 : 0 小時 : 0 分鐘 : 0

預購結束時間: 2025-03-11 15:59

預計發貨日期: 2025-07-31

Style 款式


已售出: 0


唱k小魚仙 POP UP SHOP vol.3 in AMNIBUS STORE 婚紗人魚ver. 明信片4枚套裝 (全3款) 售價 Price:¥715 (稅込) 製造商Manufacturer:armabianca 截單截數日 DEADLINE:2025/03/11 預定發售月 RELEASE:2025/03 預定到貨月 AVAILABLE:2025/07 #真珠美人魚 #唱k小魚仙 #PichiPichiPitch




  • 香港 本地送貨
  • 順豐速運自取服務
  • 國際送貨
  • 實體店自取
  • 香港 本地取貨


  • 八達通
  • 支付寶HK
  • 微信支付
  • 支付寶
  • 信用卡
  • 銀行轉帳
  • 觀塘門市現金支付款【❌不設貨到付款。⭕️只限預訂產品。❌現貨一律取消訂單】
  • 轉數快 FPS
  • 【⚠️ 注 意 事 項 ⚠️ ❣️請先閱讀再下單❣️】


~~ 注意事項 (Important Note) ~~ 現貨、不同到貨日期的預訂商品不接受合併下單,錯誤合併下單的話會取消訂單的可能。 Combined orders are not accepted for IN-STOCK and PRE-ORDER products with different arrival dates. If IN-STOCK and PRE-ORDER products are combined into one order, order will be cancelled. 📌 若因客人錯誤合併下單,導致訂單被取消並需安排銀行退款,將收取 HKD$ 10 銀行處理費。如經Yedpay系統退款則會收取Yedpay系統附加費。 If an order is canceled due to incorrect order merging by the customer and a bank refund is required, a HKD$10 bank processing fee will be charged. If the refund is processed through the Yedpay system, an additional Yedpay system fee will also apply. ※ 預訂商品 (PRE-ORDER) ※ 📌The Services we offer on any of the Sites include Shipping Services and Shopping Proxy Services. 📌We make every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors, images, features, specifications and details of the Products. However, we do not guarantee that the colors, images, features, specifications and details of the Products will be accurate, complete, reliable, current or free of any errors and your electronic display will accurately reflect the actual colors and details of the Products. 📌We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to limit our Services to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction. We may exercise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to limit the quantities and/or availability of any Products or Services that we offer. All suppliers, descriptions and pricings of the Services are subject to change at any time without notice, at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to discontinue any Services at any time. Any offer for any of the Services is not capable of being accepted where it is prohibited under any applicable law or regulation. 📌We do not warrant that the quality of any Products, Services, information or other material purchased or obtained by you through any of the Sites will meet your expectations. 📌We shall make every effort to ensure that the Services displayed on any of the Sites are available. All of the Services, however, are subject to availability and we cannot guarantee that they will be available. All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and we reserve the right to reject any order if any of the Services requested is unavailable. 📌In relation to the Shipping Services, we make every reasonable effort to deliver the parcels according to our regular delivery schedules, but these are not guaranteed and are not binding. Delivery time may be affected by, including, without limitation, peak seasons, adverse weather or overwhelming orders. We shall not be liable for any damages or losses caused by any delay. 📌 商品相片、描述只供客人參考,一律以實物顏色、狀態為準。 Product photo and description are for reference only. The actual product could be slightly different. 📌 如果商品預訂數量到達供應商上限,會提前截單而不作另行通知。 Product photo and description are for reference only. The actual product could be slightly different. 📌 預訂商品需預付訂單總額的半數或以上作訂金確認訂單,如果遇缺貨則缺貨品的訂金*(微訊支付、支付寶及信用卡等付款系統手續費除外)退回。 For pre-order products, minimum deposit of 50% of the total order amount is required. If product(s) is/are unavailable or out of stock, deposit, except Service Fee by Payment method provider, will be refunded. 📌 預訂商品均沒有現貨,出貨時間視乎日本/海外供應商。 Delivery day of the pre-order products depend on the supplier. 📌 預訂產品會於發售當地每月月底集合出貨、從當地到香港運輸需時約2-4星期。 Available product(s) will be shipped together at the end of the month form origin. The delivery standard from origin to HK is 2-4 weeks. ※ 預訂暫時缺貨商品 (BACK-ORDER) ※ 📌The Services we offer on any of the Sites include Shipping Services and Shopping Proxy Services. 📌We make every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors, images, features, specifications and details of the Products. However, we do not guarantee that the colors, images, features, specifications and details of the Products will be accurate, complete, reliable, current or free of any errors and your electronic display will accurately reflect the actual colors and details of the Products. 📌We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to limit our Services to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction. We may exercise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to limit the quantities and/or availability of any Products or Services that we offer. All suppliers, descriptions and pricings of the Services are subject to change at any time without notice, at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to discontinue any Services at any time. Any offer for any of the Services is not capable of being accepted where it is prohibited under any applicable law or regulation. 📌We do not warrant that the quality of any Products, Services, information or other material purchased or obtained by you through any of the Sites will meet your expectations. 📌We shall make every effort to ensure that the Services displayed on any of the Sites are available. All of the Services, however, are subject to availability and we cannot guarantee that they will be available. All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and we reserve the right to reject any order if any of the Services requested is unavailable. 📌In relation to the Shipping Services, we make every reasonable effort to deliver the parcels according to our regular delivery schedules, but these are not guaranteed and are not binding. Delivery time may be affected by, including, without limitation, peak seasons, adverse weather or overwhelming orders. We shall not be liable for any damages or losses caused by any delay. 📌 商品相片、描述只供客人參考,一律以實物顏色、狀態為準。 Product photo and description are for reference only. The actual product could be slightly different. 📌 預訂暫時缺貨商品需預付訂單總額的半數或以上作訂金確認訂單,如果遇供應商缺貨則退回缺貨品的訂金*(微訊支付、支付寶及信用卡等付款系統手續費除外)。 For back-order products, minimum deposit of 50% of the total order amount is required. If product(s) is/are unavailable or out of stock, deposit, except Service Fee by Payment method provider, will be refunded. 📌 暫時缺貨商品均沒有現貨,只接受預訂,出貨時間視乎日本/海外供應商。 Delivery day of the back-order products depend on the supplier. The order process may take longer than 6 months. ※ 在庫商品 (IN-STOCK) ※ 📌 商品相片、描述只供客人參考,一律以實物顏色、狀態為準。 Product photo and description are for reference only. The actual product could be slightly different. 📌 由於現貨庫存與日本倉庫及門市同步,會有出現網店下單後缺貨的可能性。如果出貨時發現缺貨,會另行聯絡客人安排缺貨產品退款。 Since the inventory is synchronized with the JAPAN store or KWUN TONG store, some items may be out of stock at the store. If the product out of stock, customer will be contacted to arrange a refund for the out of stock product. 📌 中古商品(PRE-OWNED) 會在商品描述中特別註明其中古狀態及等級。 Pre-owned products are clearly marked in the product option with their condition rating. 📌 中古商品(PRE-OWNED) 的描述及狀態等級只供客人參考,一律以送貨前實物顏色、狀態為準。 Pictures and images may not equal to actual products. Please find the Condition Rank about the state of the products for your reference. ~~ 購物條款及細則 (Purchasing Policy) ~~ 📌 由於需要事前確認款式,本店所有散裝及套裝的.扭蛋類性質產品.均不提供扭蛋保護殻(蛋殻)。 All gashapon items are not contain covered shell. 📌 本店所有.電子玩具.均會在出貨前開封作檢查,確保玩具如描述相同才發貨。 All eletection toys will be opened for checking to ensure which is same as description before delivery. 📌 產品在寄出前亦會作包裝安全檢查及拍照作紀錄! All products will have packaging safety check and photo taken before delivery. 📌 所有訂單(不論現貨或預訂)落單付款後一律不設退換。 All products cannot be refunded when the purchase order is placed. 📌 如因供應商或其他原因缺貨而造成退款,本司會把訂金退回客人所提供的銀行戶口,而信用卡付款則直接退回客人的信用卡餘額內。 If product(s) is/are unavailable or out of stock, deposit will be refunded. 📌 不論是預訂或現貨商品,使用微信支付、支付寶 及 信用卡(包括Apple Pay/Google Pay)作付款方式的訂單均包含系統附加費(收費見下表),任何情況下附加費一律不設退款。 WeChat Pay, Alipay, and other Credit Card Payment(include Apple Pay/Google Pay) both contains System Surcharge by the Payment Gateway Provider(See the table below). After order is placed, Surcharge is non-refundable. 📌 各種支付方式的附加系統收費: 八達通:交易金額的0%[免附加費至另行通知] sᴛʀɪᴘᴇ VISA/MASTER/銀聯/UnionPay:交易金額的5% ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ 信用卡/VISA/MASTER/銀聯/UnionPay:交易金額的4% ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ 支付寶HK:交易金額的2% ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ 微信支付/WeChatPay:交易金額的2% 📌 Surcharge for different Payment Gateway Providers: Octopus:Free of charge until further notice sᴛʀɪᴘᴇ VISA/MASTER/UnionPay:3.4% of transaction amount+ʜᴋᴅ$3 ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ VISA/MASTER/UnionPay:4% of transaction amount ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ AlipayHK:2% of transaction amount ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ WeChatPay:2% of transaction amount 📌 如果因爲客人自身原因要求取消訂單,將會收取「訂單取消處理費」。 Order is requested to be canceled by customer, "Cancellation Handling Fee" and "Service Fee by Payment method provider" will be charged. 【訂製商品(PRE-ORDER)/追訂商品(BACK-ORDER)/現貨商品之取消費用】訂單總金額的100% 【Cancellation Handling Fee for PRE-ORDER / BACK-ORDER / IN-STOCK Products】 100% of the total order amount 📌 客人遞交及/或確認訂單即表示明白並接受商品描述、購物條款及細則。 After the order is placed, we assumed that customer read and agreed the product description and purchasing policy. ~~ 運輸事項 (Shipping Note) ~~ 📌 在確認訂單及到貨後,會在3-21個工作天內發貨 (預約產品除外),運輸時間視乎客人選擇的派遞服務及運輸公司。 After payment is confirmed, it will be shipped within 3-21 working days (except for pre-order product). The shipment delivered days depends on the the shipping method and carriers. 📌 發貨後會有電郵通知快遞單號(如有) 或 取貨點免費存放時限。 After delivery, there will be an email notification with the courier number or final consignment shop pickup date. 📌 如選擇《本地郵寄》(不論平郵或郵局自取),均有一定遺失或損壞風險,所有郵寄風險一律由客人自行承擔。 Delivery by HK Post contain risk like losing and damage, we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage. 📌 如選擇《順豐到付》,出貨後會收到順豐短訊通知,派送服務受順豐條款約束。 If SF-Express COD service is chosen, SMS message will be received when the package is arrived. This service is under SF-Express terms and conditions. 📌 國際訂單會在產品到貨後及準備好發送前通知所需要補付的郵費。確認收到補款後,會在7-21個工作天內發貨,運輸時間視乎客人選擇的派遞服務及運輸公司。 For International Delivery, shipping fee will be calculated after the item(s) is/are in-stock and the notification message will be sent to inform customer how to pay the shipping fee. After payment is confirmed, it will be shipped within 7-21 working days. The shipment delivered days depends on the the shipping method and carriers. 📌 有關國際訂單,因各國或地區的關稅政策有所不同,客人有可能被收件國家/地區收取關稅。所有關稅將由買方承擔,請在購買前先瞭解清楚自己國家或地區關稅等相關規定。 For international orders, due to the tariff policy of different countries / territories vary, tariffs could be charged. All tariffs borne by the buyer. Please understand the relevant regulations of tariffs in your country/region before purchasing. 📌 所有銷售都是最終的,不接受退貨。 All sales are final and returns are not accepted. ※ 在庫商品 (IN-STOCK) ※ 📌 確認付款後,會在3-21個工作天內發貨 (預約產品除外),運輸時間視乎客人選擇的派遞服務及運輸公司。 After payment is confirmed, it will be shipped within 3-21 working days (except for pre-order product). The shipment delivered days depends on the the shipping method and carriers. ※ 預訂商品/暫時缺貨商品 (PRE-ORDER/BACK-ORDER) ※ 📌 產品的預計出貨日期僅供香港本地客人參考。實際出貨日期受各種因素影響,可能會提前或延誤。 Est. delivery date on each PRE-ORDER item is for reference only. The actual shipping date is subject to various factors and may be earlier or later than expected. 📌 預訂商品通常會在供應商出貨後2-4個星期到逹香港 (遇上突發事情如颱風、日本假期等因素除外)。 PRE-ORDER/BACK-ORDER products will be shipped around 2-4 weeks after delivered from Japan / Other oversea Suppliers (Except in case of Typhoon, public holiday in Japan etc cases). 📌 產品到達香港本店後會有電郵 或 WhatsApp訊息通知到貨。 Email / WhatsApp message will be sent when product arrived at our local store(s). 📌 客人需於到貨後3天內支付尾款(包括郵費),逾期未補尾款的訂單會被沒收訂金而不作任何通知。 Customer are required to pay the balance(including shipping fee) within 3 days after the product arrival. Otherwise, deposit will be forfeited. 📌 確認運費付款後,會在3-21個工作天內發貨 (預約產品除外),運輸時間視乎客人選擇的派遞服務及運輸公司。 After payment for shipping fee is confirmed, it will be shipped within 3-21 working days (except for pre-order product). The shipment delivered days depends on the the shipping method and carriers. ~~ 中古商品狀態等級 (Condition Rank for the Products) ~~ S+: 商品全新未開封。 Products is sealed or appears to be unopened. S : 商品外盒已開封,內包全新。 Products is not sealed but appears to be unopened. A+: 商品已開封,但無明顯傷痕。配件全齊。 Products has been opened but no visible damage. All bundled products are included. A : 商品已開封,有輕微損傷。配件全齊。 Opened product have visible minor dirt or damage. All bundled products are included. B : 商品已開封,有輕微損傷。有部份配件可能缺失。 Opened product have visible minor dirt or damage. Bundled products may be missing. C : 商品已開封,有明顯損傷,如日燒、大面積的花痕等。有部份配件可能缺失。 Opened product have clearly damage. Sub parts may be missing. E : 商品有嚴重損傷。有部份配件可能缺失 及/或 已壞機。 Products have severe damage. Sub parts are missing, and/or having operation problems. - 商品包裝盒狀態等級 (Condition Ranking for Products Package) S : 包裝盒無明顯損傷。 No visible damage to the box is visible. A : 包裝盒有輕微損傷。 Some damage of the box is visible. B : 包裝盒被嚴重破壞。 Box is clearly damaged. NA: 無包裝盒或內包裝。 No box or product packaging. ~~ Disclaimer ~~ We will not be liable for any problems caused by mistakes or improper use of the product. We reserve the right to modify and revise the price, delivery charges and online shopping terms and conditions in any time without prior notice. In case of any dispute, we reserves the right of the final decision. This Disclaimer has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 我們希望每位客人都能夠購買到適合的產品。 客人若果對產品有疑問,我們強烈建議閣下在選購任何產品前,先聯絡我們作出了解!謝謝! NO returns or refunds are offered. Should you have any enquiries, please contact our customer service team. **非銀行入數方式付款均包含 sᴛʀɪᴘᴇ系統附加費(交易金額的5%) 或 ʏᴇᴅᴘᴀʏ 系統附加費(交易金額的2-4%),附加費一律不設退款**







1a. 【預訂商品(PRE-ORDER / BACK-ORDER)】 需預付訂單總額作為訂金


1b. 【現貨商品(IN-STOCK)】 需要在支付訂單總額全款後,才會安排處理出貨

2. 按【下單電郵】指示到網店上傳入數記錄(入數確認一般會在出貨前發出)

3. 耐心等候到貨/出貨通知





*如果在截單日後下單 或是【BACK-ORDER】追訂產品,






⚠️ 圖片只供參考,實物瑕疵/損傷有可能未完全展示,一切以實物為準※

⚠️ 商品最終發貨日期,價格和尺寸規格以日本當地官方網站為準(海外限定/海外版本除外),如有更改,恕不另行通知,請留意相關官方公佈,敬請見諒。

⚠️ 預訂商品需預付訂單總額的半數或以上作訂金確認訂單,如果遇上缺貨,則退回缺貨品訂金*(Stripe信用卡手續費或Yedpay手續費除外)。

⚠️ 預訂商品建議請用現金方式付款,信用卡付款需以全款支付。

⚠️ 非銀行入數方式付款均包含 Stripe信用卡手續費 或 Yedpay 手續費,交易手續費一律不設退款。

⚠️ 因我們並非生產商,如有產品質量問題(開封後發現本體損壞或不完整),我們只能代客人向供應商反映,產品出售後一律無法退換。

⚠️ 產品通知到貨後只能免費存放兩星期,超過兩星期未取的貨品會收取每日$2存放費。

⚠️ 產品通知到貨後最長只會保留30日,如30日內沒有回覆及完成取貨,將會被會視為放棄產品。

⚠️ 棄品會由小店自行處理,不作再另行通知,已付之訂金亦不會退回。

⚠️ 購物前請先閱讀退貨條款及細則。客人遞交訂單即表示明白並接受細則。

⚠️ After the order is placed, we assumed that customer read and agreed the product description and return & refund policy.
